Old Auburn Cemetery Records
Book 9
Last Name First Name Middle Name Death Date Age Direction Lot Comment Book
(Boles) NE1/4 48 Noted Miss Boles Lot 9
(Clery) NE1/4 162 noted L. Clery Lot 9
(Donald) SW1/4 83 M. Donald Lot - no graves 9
(Grohn) Emery NE1/4 29 on map only as Emery 9
(Joseph) Caroline N1/2 195 Stone shown 9
(Kitler) S1/2 63 Mrs E. Kitler Lot-no graves shown 9
(McCormick) E1/2 200 Map-Mrs. James McCormick Lot 9
(Moore) 52 James Moore Lot - no map 9
(no graves) 68 noted no graves shown 9
(no graves) 178 9
(Nothing) 19 Noted no graves 9
(Nothing) 22 W. Werry Lot - Noted No Graves 9
(Nothing) 97 Noted as nothing shown 9
(Nothing) 104 Noted as Nothing 9
(Nothing) 115 Noted as Nothing? 9
(Nothing) 138 Noted No Graves Shown 9
(Nothing) 145 Noted as Nothing 9
(Nothing) 157 Mitchell Lot 9
(Nothing) SW1/4 219 Clara Traflon Lot SW1/4 9
(Our Mother) E1/2 103 Listed only as Our Mother 9
(Roadway) 233 Noted as Road 9
(Roadway) 245 Noted as Roadway 9
(Smith) NW1/4 75 Mary Smith Lot - no graves 9
(Smith) NE1/4 83 W. Smith Lot - no graves 9
(Tebbs) W1/2 134 L. E. Tebbs 1/2 lot - no graves 9
(Vacant) 122 Dr. DeBays Lot / Cement Top 9
(Vacant) 154 Noted nothing 9
(Vacant) 194 No Graves Shown 9
(West) W1/2 64 noted on map OW? 9
? 364 No Graves 9
? NE1/4 426 Name missing 9
? NW1/4 426 Name missing 9
? SW1/4 426 Name missing 9
? E. S. SW1/4 496 no marker 9
? Edward E1/2 D No lot # - assigned D 9
a.o.u.w SE1/4 437 abbreviation? 9
Abram John SW1/4 463 9
Ackerman John W1/2 1 3 rows of graves all in W1/2 9
Ackley Lena SW1/4 527 irst name? Direction? 9
Adams Sarah NW1/4 51 Stone shown 9
Adams Samuel NW1/4 51 Stone shown 9
Adams Norman E1/2 374 9
Admes Joseph W1/2 1 3 rows of graves all in W1/2 9
Adrain Antone W1/2 131 9
Ahrberg W. A. F. W1/2 453 9
Al Irma May 554 Last name incomplete 9
Albee Henry A. SE1/4 17 9
Albright Jacob W1/2 451 G.A.R. Plot 9
Alfoncia Alexander W1/2 624 9
Allen Lou E. N1/2 455 9
Allen Samuel N1/2 455 9
Allen Catherine S. N1/2 455 9
Allochis John E1/2 665 9
Almeida Jack L. E1/2 672 9
Ambriz Marie W1/2 708 Noted as Singles Women 9
Ament Amos H. SE1/4 79 9
Ames C. C. SW1/4 144 Stone and Cement top 9
Anbray Charles E1/2 636 9
Anderson James E1/2 74 Stone on site 9
Anderson George E1/2 74 Stone on site 9
Anderson Mathilda NW1/4 467 9
Anderson Quin W1/2 638 9
Andregg J. H. W1/2 146 Noted as Singles 9
Andrews Catherine E. E1/2 76 Andrews Lot-Stone & cement top 9
Andrews Moses 76 Andrews Lot-Stone & cement top 9
Anthony Stephen B. W1/2 684 Noted as Singles 9
Appleby Mary E1/2 134 9
Applegate George W. E1/2 E IOOF LOTS - assigned E 9
Armbruster Mary E1/2 25 Armbruster Lot - Stone shown 9
Armbruster F. A. E1/2 25 Armbruster Lot - Stone shown 9
Armbruster Mother E1/2 25 Armbruster Lot - Stone shown 9
Armbruster L. E1/2 650 Note on orig doc S/B Lot 651 9
Armbruster Mrs. E1/2 650 Note on orig doc S/B Lot 651 9
Armbruster Emma A. E1/2 650 Note on orig doc S/B Lot 651 9
Armbruster Charles E1/2 650 Note on orig doc S/B Lot 651 9
Armbruster Raphael E1/2 654 May be lot 656 9
Armbruster Mildred E. E1/2 654 May be lot 656 9
Armes Meny NE1/4 106 9
Armes Manuel NE1/4 394 9
Armes Joseph A. 482 9
Armond Mother NW1/4 652 Verify surname 9
Armstrong George W. E1/2 103 9
Armstrong Tillie E1/2 103 9
Armstrong Harry SW1/4 673 9
Armstrong Anna SW1/4 673 9
Arnott Father NW1/4 652 Verify surname 9
Arundale John E. 20-Jun-04 21 E1/2 638 Verify year 9
Ashbury Henry E. N1/2 126 Stone shown 9
Ashley Baby 555 9
Atakoz ? 569 No plot map on page copy 9
Atkins Sarah SE1/4 381 9
Atkins Alma NW1/4 447 9
Atkins Edward S. NW1/4 447 9
Atkins Kathrine NW1/4 447 9
Atkins Herman W. NE1//4 664 9
Atkinson Henry D. E1/2 678 Noted as Singles 9
Atwood Elizabeth W1/2 42 9
Atwood Frank E1/2 255 9
Austin George W1/2 256 UNKNOWN DEAD 9
Austin J. E1/2 452 Verify first names 9
Avery Ida W1/2 368 9
Avery Seney V. W1/2 368 9
Ayers Marcellus NW1/4 464 9
Ba Elliott 554 Last name incomplete 9
Babcock Evlyn SE1/4 380 9
Babcock Oliver G. W1/2 706 Noted as Singles 9
Babler Josephine SW1/4 262 Noted as 1/2 lots 2 grave sites 9
Babler Frederich SW1/4 262 Noted as 1/2 lots 2 grave sites 9
Babler Fred E. SE1/4 262 Noted as 1/2 lots 2 grave sites 9
Baby E1/2 134 9
Baesnin Ellen Mary W1/2 359 9
Bagby Elizaberth W1/2 423 First name spelling? 9
Baker Mary SE1/4 232 Stone shown on map 9
Ball William J. E1/2 438 9
Ball Sarah Jane E1/2 438 9
Bardwell L. W. S1/2 117 9
Bardwell Lucy S1/2 117 9
Bardwell J. M. S1/2 117 9
Bardwell Mother NW1/4 117 noted Our Mother 9
Barker W. J. NE1/4 23 9
Barkhaus Anna E1/2 379 9
Barrows Edwin W1/2 203 Lot?-along fence SW fence 9
Barrows James E. W1/2 203 Verify lot # 9
Barrows Mother W1/2 203 Shows only Mother on map 9
Barrows B. O. W1/2 256 9
Barry Florence W1/2 706 Noted as Singles 9
Barter William W1/2 G IOOF LOT - assigned G 9
Barter Adeline E1/2 G IOOF LOT - assigned G 9
Barton Myrtle NW1/4 618 Verify surname spelling 9
Baumah Eliza SW1/4 384 9
Baxter Oliver SW1/4 445 9
Baxter Emline SW1/4 445 9
Baxter Joseph 475 9
Baxter Jane An 475 9
Baxter Morris 475 9
Baxtor 478 Baxtor Lot - No graves 9
Bays Martin D. NE1/4 45 9
Beatty Caroline E1/2 146 Noted as Singles 9
Becana Manuel E1/2 704 Noted as Singles 9
Becker Grace Huntley NW1/4 119 Huntley Lot 9
Beecroft H. L. NE1/4 96 9
Beerman Louise NE1/4 479 9
Beerman George NE1/4 479 9
Bell Jessie Elizabeth E1/2 88 9
Bell Annie Elizabeth E1/2 88 9
Bell Frank W1/2 221 9
Bell George V. W1/2 221 9
Bell Virginia W1/2 221 9
Bell Francis H. W1/2 221 9
Bell John SW1/4 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell Arizona SW1/4 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell Samual 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell Liola 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell A. O. 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell Maggie 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell George 248 Stone on lot - noted no markers 9
Bell R. L. SW1/4 695 Noted Cement Block 9
Bell Jeanette SW1/4 695 Noted Cement Block 9
Benoicht Henry SE1/4 83 Last names spelled diffferently 9
Benoight Mary SE1/4 83 Last names spelled diffferently 9
Benson James NE1/4 105 9
Berlin Ross NE1/4 623 9
Bertenshaw Clara NE1/4 676 9
Bessette P. L. NW1/4 191 9
Bessette Collin NW1/4 191 9
Bettencourt Antone W1/2 399 9
Bettencourt Clarence NE1/4 407 Cement Top 9
Bettencourt Anna NE1/4 407 Cement Top 9
Billson George C. W1/2 143 9
Birdsall C. W1/2 235 9
Birdsall Baby W1/2 235 9
Bisbee William M. E1/2 127 Bisbee Lot 9
Bisbee John Gould W1/2 127 Bisbee Lot 9
Bisbee E1/2 205 9
Bissett William E1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Bissett Isabella E1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Bissett William W. E1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Bittinger Mary E. W1/2 274 Stone shown on map 9
Bittinger Jocob H. W1/2 274 Stone shown on map 9
Blair Eugene SE1/4 96 9
Blaisdell Arther W. 333 NE1/4 225 9
Blaisdell Charles NE1/4 225 9
Blanchard Charles E1/2 675 Noted as Singles 9
Blevins John A. NW1/4 669 9
Bobo Perry SE1/4 431 9
Bobo Laura SE1/4 431 9
Bobo John SW1/4 431 9
Boles Jerusha W1/2 77 Stone shown 9
Bond Ira J. E1/2 711 Noted as Singles 9
Bonham J. S. W1/2 452 Verify first names 9
Bonilla Julia W1/2 703 Noted as Singles 9
Boorinakis Pheni E1/2 708 Noted as Singles Women 9
Borland Elizabeth E1/2 141 9
Borland James E1/2 141 9
Borland James D. E1/2 141 9
Bosse Elizabeth NE1/4 439 9
Bosse Henry NE1/4 439 9
Bosse Sophia NE1/4 439 9
Bosse William H. E1/2 441 9
Bosse Rachael E1/2 441 Another unknown with them 9
Bottero Peter W1/2 703 Noted as Singles 9
Boylen Sarah E. SW1/4 470 9
Bradburt Elizabeth E1/2 429 Verify lot number 9
Bradburt Rosa E1/2 429 Verify lot number 9
Bradburt Horace Roscoe E1/2 429 Verify lot number 9
Bradburt George W1/2 429 Verify lot number 9
Bradley Guy A. W1/2 172 S. R. Bradlely Lot 9
Bradley Esther A. W1/2 172 S. R. Bradlely Lot 9
Bradley Samuel R. W1/2 172 S. R. Bradlely Lot 9
Bradley Mary W1/2 172 S. R. Bradlely Lot 9
Branch A. E. W1/2 82 Stone shown on lot 9
Bratton Frank E1/2 706 Noted as Singles 9
Bray James SW1/4 199 9
Bray May W1/2 203 Lot?-Cement top noted 1st row 9
Breese Mary E1/2 135 McCormick Lot 9
Breese Edward W1/2 135 McCormick Lot 9
Breslin Margaret NE1/4 659 9
Breslin James H. NE1/4 659 9
Breslin Margaret 75 NE1/4 659 age 75 noted 9
Bridgeman Fred E1/2 453 9
Brocherson, Mrs. Ann S1/2 159 9
Brod Herbert E1/2 161 Brod Lot 9
Brod H. H. E1/2 161 9
Brodie Irene W1/2 135 McCormick Lot 9
Broglie Edward SW1/4 473 9
Broglie Mrs. SW1/4 473 9
Brown Pedro W1/2 411 Noted as Singles 9
Brown Thomas B. E1/2 443 9
Brown Geoge R. E1/2 443 9
Brown George W. NW1/4 449 9
Browne Thomas Marsh 462 9
Browne Lenard Marsh SW1/4 462 9
Buckles Elizabeth NE1/4 676 9
Buckley Mark E1/2 160 9
Buckley Mother E1/2 160 9
Buckley J. H. E1/2 160 9
Buckley Mary E1/2 160 9
Buckley Brother E1/2 160 9
Buckley Sister E1/2 160 9
Budd Philip P. W1/2 1 3 rows of graves all in W1/2 9
Buhring Clara L. W1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Buhring Louise W1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Buhring Eliza W1/2 14 Stone on lot 9
Bulla James Preston SE1/4 48 9
Bullard John F. SW1/4 395 9
Burke Walter M. SW1/4 457 Noted-removed to Stockton, Cal 9
Burke Stephen W1/2 684 Noted as Singles 9
Burnett 109 Noted A. Burnett Lot-no graves 9
Burnett Grace W1/2 664 9
Burnham L. P. E1/2 279 Stone shown on map 9
Burns John C. W1/2 1 3 rows of graves all in W1/2 9
Burns Ernest W. W1/2 130 Stone on lot 9
Burns Bertha C. SW1/4 147